For our new goattees project, Team Goat member Chara thought to collaborate with the Philadelphia (@philadelphiazorg) Home, a community of people with a (slight) mental disability, where she works part time. During her time with them, Chara discovered some of these folks were gifted with some serious artist talent! Because they were also hit pretty hard by the Corona crisis, she came up with a real “us” idea to help cheer them up: draw goats! The result? We received dozens of amazing artworks more than worthy of being on our T-shirts. Unfortunately we couldn’t put them all on our tees, so we had to choose 3. (Hardest choice ever!)

So that’s exactly what we’ve done: 3 of those drawings have been turned into graphics for this very special collection. €10,- per tee was donated to Philadelphia, in hopes of helping their wonderful residents through these hard times.